Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Arturo Escobar Essay

Lectua â€Å"na ecologia de la diferencia: igualdad y conflicto en un mundo glocalizado† Dia 14 Mes 08 Ano 12 Docente Claudia Patricia Rodriguez CALIFICACION UNA ECOLOGIA DE LA DIFERENCIA: IGUALDAD Y CONFLICTO EN UN MUNDO GLOCALIZADO Arturo Escobar, es un antropologo colombiano, nacido en Manizales, interesado en la ecologia politica, el desarrollo y movimientos sociales en Colombia. Especificamente, Escobar se cuestiono los problemas de hambre y pobreza de grandes sectores de la poblacion colombiana, Pero sus intereses se dirigieron cada vez mas hacia el area de las ciencias sociales y la antropologia del desarrollo, de ahi que viajo a continuar estudios de postgrado en la Cornell University y en la Universidad de California, Berkeley, donde hizo su doctorado en 1987. Entre sus especialidades figuran la ecologia politica y la antropologia del desarrollo, los movimientos sociales y las nuevas tecnologias. (Penuela, M, 2005, http://www. javeriana. edu. co/Facultades/C_Sociales/universitas/62/penuela. pdf) Adicionalmente ha sido profesor de muchas universidades en Colombia y especialmente Estados Unidos. Este autor refleja en una de sus obras y ensayos uno de los mas importantes y cuestionados temas a nivel mundial: la igualdad y conflicto en un mundo glocalizado. Se habla de la diferencia que existe entre los individuos que hoy hacen parte de la globalizacion, esta diferencia es pocas veces dirigida hacia una igualdad para todos, ya que la relacion que existe entre la globalizacion, la cultura de un lugar especifico y el desarrollo benefician mas unos que a otros. He aqui el gran conflicto, es cada vez mas comun ver como la globalizacion, es decir, un mundo global, que busca una homogeneidad se impone. Se da entonces un acceso a excluir a unos y dominar otros, ya que aquellos que dominan son los que tienen el acceso a las oportunidades y los recursos como lo referencia el autor. Se excluye entonces lo local, para pasar a ser lo global lo mas importante y lo que se impone; es el capitalismo, los medios masivos y las mercancias lo que brinda las mejores oportunidades, ya no se habla de biodiversidad sino por el contrario de la biotecnologia que se vuelve un recurso aun mas importante que la propia diversidad ya existente. Aun mas alla de las nuevas tendencias, existe un tema que referencia el autor como uno de los grandes conflictos y es la adaptacion de la diversidad cultural a conductas globales. â€Å"El mundo no es solo global continua siendo local† (Escobar, 2005), es necesario entonces pensar que existen condiciones de pluralismo cultural, diferentes percepciones acerca del mundo en general. Las principales condiciones que niegan la igualdad entre individuos son la parte economica, cultural y ambiental. Los grandes economistas hablan del valor que tienen cada uno de los recursos, los precios y derechos de propiedad son los que valen dentro del sector economico, sin embargo, las comunidades definen las practicas que determinan la valoracion de los recursos especificamente naturales de manera distinta a la valoracion economica; mas que un precio o valor monetario, el entorno natural y sus recursos tienen un valor intrinseco, no se puede calcular este valor ya que cada cultura percibe los recursos naturales de una manera distinta. Por otro lado, la relacion de las personas con el mundo natural, le da al entorno un valor para cada territorio, no todos quieren compartir de igual manera la diversidad natural de un lugar porque las comunidades le estan dando su verdadero significado. Fundamentalmente lo ambiental y cultural se reune de algun modo para diferenciar y darle pluralismo al mundo que hoy se une a la globalizacion, pero se elude aun la sostenibilidad cultural y ambiental. Es en gran medida esta falta de sostenibilidad un conflicto, que se traduce en la distribucion cultural, las diferencias culturales propagan desigualdad ya que algunos imponen la dominacion y se convierten en propietarios de lo que es de una comunidad en su conjunto. Se quiere cada dia, dar paso a la hegemonia entre culturas pero sigue marcando diferencias los comportamientos, sus derechos colectivos y tradiciones. El Estado tambien juega un papel muy importante, este lucha por conservar su practica cultural y defender lo que es de un territorio. En el caso colombiano se da un ejemplo de las culturas negras riberenas en la selva del Pacifico las cuales desde 1990 se unieron para defender un territorio, su biodiversidad y lo que era suyo, se defienden entonces modelos locales que perduran en la cultura colombiana aun y los cuales se mantienen en movimientos sociales. Aun cuando lo global trata de imponerse, la diversidad cultural, la economia y el medio ambiente son niveles diferenciadores para la globalizacion. Finalmente, si es necesaria le equidad de la distribucion economica, estrechar la diferencia de dominacion entre comunidades para permitir el desarrollo e intercambio equitativo. Aun cuando las culturas sean diferentes, se pueden entremezclar para establecer una igualdad. BIBLIOGRAFIA Escobar, A. (2005), â€Å"Una ecologia de la diferencia: igualdad y conflicto en un mundo glocalizado† [Documento digital PDF]. Arturo Escobar, En: WEB, 2005, [en linea] disponible en: http://www. javeriana. edu. co/Facultades/C_Sociales/universitas/62/penuela. pdf. [consulta: agosto 12 de 2012].

A drowning experience

Drowning Experience Tommy had Just learnt how to swim and was eager to demonstrate his newly acquired skills to his best friends. Immediately after school, he invited his friends, Gary and John, â€Å"Shall we go swimming at the crystal clear lake behind my flat tomorrow morning? † His friends nodded readily. Tom's mother had warned him about the dangers but his bursting desire to show off got the better of him and he simply cast her words to the winds. The next morning, the sun shone brilliantly across the glistening water, casting olden shadows dancing on the lake.The boys gathered punctually at the lake bank. They quickly stripped down to their swimming trunks and Jumped into the water. They waded merrily and frolicked in the water and laughed boisterously as the water hit their faces. Tommy suddenly made a suggestion, â€Å"Shall we compete and see who reach the other end of the lake first? † Before Tommy could finish his words, the other two boys had already taken up the challenge and started swimming right away. Just when Tommy was about to get ready, he felt an acute pain on his left thigh ut ignored it.However, seconds later, the pain accentuated and his left leg began to feel numb and heavy. Seized by panic, Tommy started thrashing in the water to stay afloat but he felt like a fast sinking ship and swallowed many gulps of water. Presently, he waved his hands frantically and screamed hysterically, â€Å"Help me! † Gary and John turned around and their blood froze at the hair-raising sight. Fortunately, they quickly got a grip on themselves and swam towards their distressed friend with very ounce of their strength.With Gary and John's concerted efforts, Tommy was finally dragged onto shore. However, Tommy's face had already turned ghastly pale and he was rendered unconscious. Worst, his leg was bleeding profusely. Without a moment to spare, Gary raced to pick up his shorts, ransacked its pockets and found his mobile phone. He immedi ately dialed for an ambulance. Shortly, the wail of the sirens could be heard. The paramedics bandaged Tommy's wound, lifted him onto a stretcher and carried im into the ambulance and it sped off.Gary also informed Tommy's mother. At the hospital, a doctor swiftly attended to Tommy. When Tommy's mother arrived, the doctor explained to her that Tommy was bitten by a sea snake and he had purged its venom from Tommy's body. Tommy's mother thanked Gary and John for their alertness and quick-wittedness. When Tommy finally came around, he teared uncontrollably, seeking forgiveness from his mother for his defiance. It was a close shave for Tommy and he would not forget that fateful day.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Leap, Bryan Doyle Essay

Before the Leap In 2002, Brian Doyle, an editor for the Portland Magazine, wrote the critically acclaimed poem, â€Å"Leap†, in remembrance of the victims September 11th, 2001. Brian has also authored ten major books including The Grail, The Wet Engine, and the novel, Mink River. Doyle has written numerous essays and poems since 1999 including Credo, Saints Passionate & Peculiar, and Two Voices. Additionally, Doyle’s books have been finalists four times for the coveted Oregon Book Award and his essays have been featured in publications like The American Scholar, Harpers, and The Atlantic Monthly. Upon reading the title of the poem, â€Å"Leap†, by hailed author, Brian Doyle, and considering the title of the section in the text book, â€Å"Faith and Doubt†, I was thinking the poem would, more or less, concern taking the proverbial â€Å"leap of faith†. I was wrong. The poem revolves around the actual physical action of one leaping out into the air, more specifically, those â€Å"jumpers† who consciously made the incredible decision to leap from the blazing conditions in the Twin Towers to their deaths on September 11th, 2001. Doyle used a fair amount of imagery to add an incredible level of depth and to provide readers with a terrifying mental picture of that horrific day in America. Consider one of the opening lines describing the sight, â€Å"Many People Jumped. Perhaps hundreds. No one knows. They struck the pavement with such force that there was a pink mist in the air. † (1168). Doyle effectively implemented figurative language throughout the poem to provide the full effect of being a shell-shocked, stunned bystander at the sight of 9/11. Additionally, Doyle told of â€Å"A kindergarten boy who saw people falling in flames told his teacher that the birds were on fire. † (1168). This use of imagery made me feel as though I was there. I believe the author used the â€Å"couple† in the poem to symbolize the strength of human resolve. As readers, we are unclear as to who they were, where they came from, or whether they even knew each other before they grasped each other’s hands as they leaped to their deaths far below, to escape the intense heat, toxic gases, and engulfing flames. Doyle also made reference to different onlookers witnessing the â€Å"couple† as they leaped together, hand in hand. This was symbolic of the intense, far reaching, familiar pain shared by so many around the world as they watched the towers fall to rubble. Doyle also mentioned the couple’s hands quite a few times throughout the poem. I believe he intended the couple’s hands to be symbolic of the strength of the human bond, as well as, the courage that we gain, as humans, through our bonds. But he reached for her hand and she reached for his hand and they leaped out the window holding hands. † (1169). The author successfully makes use of the first person point of view to place himself right there, as a witness of the tragic event, along with the others mentioned in the poem. Again, while he is in the first person, Doyle focuses on the clinched hands. He recalls, â€Å"but I kept coming back to his hand and her hand nestled in each other with such extraordin ary ordinary succinct ancient naked stunning perfect simple ferocious love. † (1169). However, he too is unsure who the couple really is but he is intrigued by their hands, their bond, their strength, their agreement, and their courage to do, together, what has to be done. He mentions that, â€Å"Their hands reaching and joining are the most powerful prayer I can imagine. † (1169). At the end of the poem, Doyle writes, â€Å"Jennifer Brickhouse saw them holding hands, and Stuart DeHann saw them holding hands, and I hold onto that. † (1169). The author feels a sense of peace in knowing that the couple was witnessed by others. Their moment in time, their raw emotion, their true human characteristics took over and they leaped, together. Doyle makes use of a powerful simile towards the end of the poem that compares humankind finding and accessing their inner greatness to, â€Å"seeds that open only under great fires†. (1169). He continues to describe our lives as they almost instantly decay into an unknown state, our most powerful, instinctive human traits surface and are focused with an extreme intensity, enabling us to overcome our fears and do what is required. Doyle writes, â€Å"to believe that some unimaginable essence of who we are persists past the dissolution of what we were, to believe against such evil hourly evidence that love is why we are here. † (1169). As a reader, my emotion compels me to believe the couple, possibly nothing more than strangers, at the brink of their inevitable dissolution, experienced the miracle of love, compassion, and bravery that are all intertwined throughout the complexity of our human nature. I think that the author used the simile, â€Å"like seeds that open only under great fires†, to describe the epic effect that our human spirit is able achieve in even the worst possible scenarios. After reading the through the entire poem more than a few times, I realize that the title, â€Å"Leap†, truly is about realizing the power of the bonds we share as human beings. Even as our lives, in a complete state of disarray and chaos, are forced to come to an end, we are able to harness the miraculous strength of our bonds, and focus it in a way that allows us to achieve a sense of peace during our final moments. I believe the author intended for his readers to hope that the couple, in their final moments before they leaped into the â€Å"smoking canyon†, were able to experience this miracle and find that peace before they took the leap, together, into the unknown.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Review of the White Houses Blog on Native Americans Essay

A Review of the White Houses Blog on Native Americans - Essay Example The White House has an official web site, and in it, one can find the blog on Native Americans. The blog is undoubtedly maintained by the government, thus its contents are expected to have been approved by the Palace. Indeed, when I visited the blog thrice on March 18, 20, and 22, I read articles that seemed like press releases by the government. The blog features articles on the protection of rights of Indian tribes in America. Maintained by the government, one can assume that the blog does not contain any taboo themes that can cause damage to the image of the White House. Rather, the blog helps project a reputable image of the President and his governance. The blog contains articles written by different people but most of them are employed under the government. One of the contributors is Milford Wayne Donaldson, the chairman of Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP). On March 20, Donaldson wrote about the plan of the ACHP to adopt UN’s Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. This will benefit the indigenous people because the declaration gives right to indigenous people to protect their heritage places or sites. This means that if there are propositions to alter a heritage site, authorities will have to consult first with indigenous people before undergoing any action. An earlier post dated March 7 talks about the signing of the President of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013. Jodie Gillette and Charlie Galbraith (2003) posted this article, complete with a video of the whole program. The video shows the people who attended the signing of the act and the speech of the President as regards the importance of women’s rights. The article also reports relevant information about violence done on Native American women. According to it, a recent study found out that 46% of Native American women suffered from violence such as rape, physical abuse and assault. With the approval of the act, the authors assume that Native American women will be more empowered to take on the challenge to report any violence they encounter. Another post by Jodie Gillette talks about the tribal leaders’ convention held on December 5, 2012. This rather late post was made on March 18 to report on the details of the long-finished convention. One good thing about the post is that it includes links to other posts such as Tribal Law and Order Act, Violence Against Women Act, and others. On one hand, the links help visitors to understand the related issues further. On the other, it helps students and authorities document reports with necessary information surrounding the issue. Clearly, the blog addresses the general public, including Americans and other nationalities who will be visiting the blog. In particular, students engaged in Native American research will benefit greatly from the important information offered in the blog. Native American s also benefit from it as they read about government programs to protect their rights and culture. Moreover, authorities will be kept updated on government actions for Native Americans and tribal people. Overall, the blog promotes the image of the White House as it features the good deeds of the government, especially the president. Specifically, the articles in the blog reflect the concern of the White House for the Native Americans. Given the topics in the blog and the organization it

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Revise Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Revise - Assignment Example The aura to have a relative was increased by the death of my grandmother who was my only source of comfort and solace. Specifically, she was a good-hearted woman who understood my predicaments more than my dad did and mum would. As a result, her death was a massive blow, and I could not hide the trauma that the demise caused me. My parents noticed that I had changed and would always ask me if I was still in the need of a brother or sister. At the age of twelve, my parents understood that I was old enough to comprehend ‘adult talk.’ When she informed me that I would get a brother, I knew that she was on the family way. The days passed and the on a hot summer day of 2001, my mum called from the hospital to requesting my dad to head there immediately. Something was amiss. A moment after arriving, a nurse took my mom away into a maternity ward on a wheelchair. My father and sat and waited in the emergency room of Vlora. Shortly after, a nurse approached us. She signaled my father that they could have a word away from me. According to the sudden change in the moods of my dad, I could tell that something had gone terribly wrong. My father confirmed my fears later when he told me that my mother was incapable of doing a natural delivery. As such, she had to undergo a surgery. My heart skipped a beat as my head sunk in frustration. Minutes later, she was led out of the operating room at around eleven o’clock. However, she came out alone, as Servi had to be left in the incubator. My agony grew by every passing day. The doctors told us that we had to wait the baby to stay in the nursery for the next three days. I also grew impatient and would cry all day because I was too eager to see my brother. After three days, my mother was declared fit and healthy by the doctors. She was discharged together with Servi. Finally, I had the chance to lay my hands on the little Servi. However, I could not be allowed until I put on a sterilized gown. I later learned

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Effect of Technology on Workplace Privacy Essay

Effect of Technology on Workplace Privacy - Essay Example As the masses became cognisant of the consequences followed by the increasing attacks to individual's privacy in the workplace owing to the development in surveillance technology, the demand for legal demarcation strengthened and eventually several laws were created by the government to curtail and confine the scope of the surveillance technology to accomplish only the legitimate objectives of the employers. Although, these laws have been developed by most of the countries to protect the rights of both the employers and the employees in particular, yet there has been an ongoing debate on the compatibility of unravelling surveillance technology with the laws and legal boundaries confining the scope of intrusion into an employees' privacy. Therefore the major issue concerning this essay is the extent to which the advancement into workplace surveillance technology is consistent with the laws and what could be done to bring it to the level proposed by the different laws and legal authorities. The surveillance in the workplace has existed in historical era in the same manner, as it seems to be prevailing in the modern times. However, the major difference remains in the introduction and development of different forms of technology that have further assisted the way to introduce more and more sensitive surveillance in the organisation. ... Consequently, the employees or the labour force could not be capable of putting all of their efforts into the organisational goals, however they kept on selling their services to the employers and organisations on agreed terms and conditions. Hence, their happened to be direct and physical surveillance on the part of the employers influencing the employee motivation and work behaviour. According to Rushing (1966), due to such acts in the past, the employers never became aware of the fact that they could have gained more by driving their motivation towards work. However, this was the initial form of developing surveillance in the workplace by the employers and this trend remained prevalent throughout the 20th century. By the end of the 21st century, the technology took a rapid progression and the workers continued to fall prey of the new development in technology affecting the workplace environment with regard to privacy and convenience. The new advancements into technology result into change in working as well as surveillance needs and as a new innovation in technology takes place, the perceptions and conceptions concerning the surveillance at workplace also change. Therefore, the level and intensity of workplace surveillance alter with the development and advancement of technology. SURVEILLANCE TECHNOLOGY, WORKPLACE PRIVACY AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK The recent rise in the surveillance activities on the part of the employers both positively and negatively have constantly been attributed to the world's continuous advancement in technology. Unique and modern measures keep on evolving regularly to facilitate the employers in keeping an eye over the employees and their activities. The use of technology in workplace surveillance

Friday, July 26, 2019

Analysis of Video The Birth of Modern Dance Essay

Analysis of Video The Birth of Modern Dance - Essay Example The Birth of Modern Dance†, we come to understand that the choreography of modern dance drew inspiration from themes of everyday life because it was influenced by human activity on a day – to – day basis. In fact, I understood it to be a sort of reflection of society as a whole. However, Modern dance did not remain static during any given period but it evolved and changed shape as changes took place in society, but nevertheless, its roots remained steeped in rebellion or breaking away from anything traditional. â€Å"The Birth of Modern Dance† shed light on how the art of dancing broke its traditional shackles and emerged with a whole new meaning that reflected the Modern dance of today. New thoughts and ideas that evolve as society changes are seen reflected in the Modern dance of today. I also learned that Modern dance is a reflection and expression of oneself and all that they stand for in addition to drawing inspiration from other various dance forms. Modern dance comprises of the freedom of spirit and an exploration.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Role of Time Value in Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Role of Time Value in Finance - Essay Example This paper illustrates that time value in finance is considering two views. That time value has future value and present value. A timeline that compounds to find future value and discounting to find present value shows compounding and discounting. Most financial managers will make decisions at time zero. That means that they rely primarily on present value techniques. The time value of money can show a personal finance example too. John Doe places $100 in a savings account paying 8% interest compounded annually at the end of 1 year he will have $108 in the account. The initial principal of $100 plus 8% or $8 in interest will appear in the account at the end of the year. The personal finance example would show that Jane Doe places $800 in a savings account paying 6% interest compounded annually. She wants to know how much money will be in the account at the end of 5 years. Time value of money is a critical financial tool to use as a financial manager or to figure one's own individual finances. The second most important concept is that a financial manager must learn to assess two key determinants:   risk and return.   The risk is the chance of financial loss.   Assets having greater chances of loss, viewed as riskier than those with lesser chances of loss are. In financial management, the risk is a term that is interchangeable with uncertainty to refer to the variability of returns associated with an asset.We need to understand what return is and how to measure it. The return is the total gain or loss experienced on an investment over a given period.   

Low risk3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Low risk3 - Essay Example way by different people belonging to the same religion and the religion was not considered as popular until philosophy became a part of it and the understanding of the religion became clearer. The second reason he provided in support of Christians being tolerant towards other religion was that the early Christians were Jewish and Jewish religion is a heavy supporter of tolerance and Jesus himself was a Jewish follower. He even states that earlier Christians were divided into two groups and they were tolerant against each other and same practices should still be followed if the world has to live in harmony. The third reason supporting Christian tolerance is that the religion’s key figure was a strong promoter of tolerance; the key figure is Jesus himself. He even stated that there were differences among people who followed Christianity and they had to tolerate each other, so the Christian religion now needs to tolerate other religion as human error and difference of opinion exi sts. Voltaire: A Treatise on Toleration." Washington State University - Pullman, Washington . N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Underlying causes of women empowerment in the Management Level Dissertation

The Underlying causes of women empowerment in the Management Level across the past decade in the United Kingdom - Dissertation Example Modern women today are given the opportunity to gain better access to education. Since education is a key factor that enables the UK government to effectively eliminate work-related discrimination within the work environment, the inability of men and women to receive proper education is considered as one of the most common factors that lead to work inequalities between men and women. Based on the gathered primary and secondary research findings, this study concludes that the underlying causes of women empowerment in management positions in UK includes not only the presence of feminist groups in UK but also the socio-economic factors that make women become at risk of being deprived of access to better education. Table of Contents Executive Summary †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦... 2 Table of Contents †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â ‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 3 I. Introduction .............................................................................. 5 a. Purpose of this Study ................................................. 6 b. Research Objective(s) ............................................... 7 b.1 Sub-Objectives ............................................. ... Rationale for Choosing the Research Topic ............... 10 d. Background of the Project .......................................... 10 II. Literature Review ..................................................................... 13 a. General Overview on Women Empowerment in UK †¦.... 13 b. Differences between Men and Women as Managers and Organizational Leaders †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 15 c. Factors that Increases Work Inequalities between Men and Women ............................................................... 17 d. Why Women would Choose to have Full-Time or Part-Time Employment ................................. 19 e. Underlying Causes of Women Empowerment in UK Management Level †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 21 III. Research Methodology ....................................................... 25 a. Primary Research Method . ................................................ 25 b. Target Population, Sample Size, and Research Venue ..... 29 c. Research Evaluation and Analysis Method ........................ 30 d. Research Evaluation and Analysis Method ........................ 30 e. Ethical Considerations in Primary Research Study ............ 30 IV. Research Findings and Analysis ................................................. 33 V. Conclusion and Recommendations ............................................ 43 Appendix I – Quantitative Research Survey Questionnaire .................. 47 Appendix II – Research Interview Questionnaire .................................. 48 Appendix III – Quantitative Research Survey Results ........................... 49 Appendix IV – Qualitative Research Survey Results ............................ 50 Appendix IV

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Definition of Design Thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Definition of Design Thinking - Essay Example For example, in engineering, education is geared towards the creation of engineers who can think and create designs (Pourdehnead,, 2011). However, design thinking is a complex subject and one of the approaches used in teaching engineers design is the project-based learning approach (Dym,, 2005). Engineering design thoughts involve a divergence-convergence thought process and a systems perspective. It encompasses several levels of interaction with system components that may be interconnected to other systems (Frisk,, 2014). Few studies have demonstrated thought processes and strategies involved in the engineering design process. One such study investigated engineering design thinking among K-12 learners (Lammi, & Becker, 2013). The research analyzed how the high school learners engaged design thinking in systems processes never before viewed or understood (Bruton, 2010). The students’ cognitive capabilities were analysed by use of an investigative triangulation mixed technique (Lammi, & Becker, 2013). Their cognitive abilities and mental processes during collaborative engineering design were studied with the aid of a Function-Behaviour-Structure cognitive analysis mechanism (Lammi, & Becker, 2013). While other forms of data were collected, the research had to be guided by a set of two issues: Design thinking has also generated interest within business circles. The interest was directed towards understanding how the design thinking process impacts business in creating fads or contemporary phenomena (Hanttu, 2013). Design thinking focused on how designers thought and the tools and methods they used in their profession. Peter G. Rowe published Design Thinking in 1987 where he studied the design process and the intellectual activity of designing architects (Cross, 2011). Business publications such as the Bloomberg’s Business Week and Harvard Business Review have also printed articles on

Monday, July 22, 2019

Hamlet Essay Example for Free

Hamlet Essay What have you come to understand about the intense human relationships of Hamlet? How has this understanding been affected by the perspectives of others? In you response you should focus on 3 scenes in the play and a range of perspectives. The intense human relationships of Hamlet have been viewed through numerous perspectives yet all have reached the same conclusions. With the exception of just one, the friendship of Hamlet and Horatio, all the relationships are dishonourable, dysfunctional and destined to fail. Being a revenge tragedy it is immediately clear this play is filled with lies, deceit and treachery. The exact time of Hamlet’s composition is unknown, however it is assumed to be between 1599 and 1602. This was a dark, melancholy time in Shakespeare’s life with the death of his father in 1601 and the death of his only son, Hamnet aged 11, in 1596. It is believed that these events had a significant impact on the writing of Hamlet as the play is heavy with death and has a great similarity with this son’s name. Some perspectives that have been adopted to view and understand the intense human relationships of Hamlet are a religious, psychoanalytic and feminist perspective. When Shakespeare first wrote Hamlet he lived in a strongly religious society where people could be fined for not attending church. Therefore, at this time in history many people had a religious attitude and perspective on the play. The psychoanalytical perspective focuses on the unconscious mind and how it dictates behaviour. This perspective became popular when Sigmund Freud, a well-known psychologist, began developing his psychoanalytic theory, The Oedipus Complex, in 1897. The feminist perspective is often centred around strong women and became particularly popular in the 1950’s being a post world war 2 period. Women were involved in many aspects of the war and made ground in their equality with men. However, when the war ended, women were encouraged to return to their household duties and this sparked much controversy. The family relationship between Hamlet and Gertrude is one of the most intense in the entire play. Their relationship reaches a climax in act 3 scene 4 when Hamlet confronts his mother about her relationship with Claudius and her involvement in the murder of King Hamlet, â€Å"mother, you have my father much offended†. Hamlet sees Gertrude as an adulteress for marrying her husband’s brother two months after his death and believes she is aware that Claudius killed King Hamlet, â€Å"Almost as bad, good mother, As kill a king and marry with his brother†. When exploring this scene from a feminist perspective it can be seen that Gertrude cares deeply for her son yet he scorns her for her recent actions, â€Å"You go not till I set you up a glass where you may see the inmost part of you†. Despite there being no evidence that Gertrude is aware of Claudius’s deed, Hamlet does not trust his mother and this consequently results in his inability to trust other women. The Oedipus Complex comes to the fore when the relationship of these two characters is examined with a psychoanalytical perspective. Freud’s complex suggests that every boy from the age of 3-4 years begins to have unconscious sexual desires for his mother and regards his father as his rival. Through studying this scene from a psychoanalytical perspective it is prominent that Hamlet has an obsession with his mothers sexual relationship with Claudius. He claims that she lives â€Å"In the rank sweat of an enseamed bed†. The scene takes place in Gertrude’s bedroom, which is important as its privacy and intimacy allows Hamlet to express himself fully to his mother and being a place where sexual activity occurs, suggests Hamlets repressed sexual desires. The scene ends with Hamlet possessively demanding her â€Å"but go not to my uncle’s bed† and uses multiple sexual references when he tells her to not let Claudius â€Å"Pinch wanton on your cheek, call you his mouse†. Relating this to the Oedipus complex, Hamlet appears to be more like a jealous lover than a concerned son. Examining act 3 scene 4 from different perspectives gives varied insights into Gertrude and Hamlet’s relationship, yet each perspective deduces that it is a dishonourable relationship with no mutual trust or respect. Another dishonourable family relationship in Hamlet is that between Ophelia and her father Polonius. Polonius manipulates Ophelia for his own benefit, treating her like a tool rather than a person. Their relationships becomes pitiful when she receives orders from her father and responds with â€Å"I shall bey, my lord†, implying that she is at the service of her father. Through the analysis of act 4 scene 5 a deeper understanding can be reached about Ophelia’s relationship with her late father. Following the death of Polonius, Ophelia’s mind becomes unhinged as she drifts into insanity, speaking in songs and rhymes. Considering this scene from a feminists perspective it can be thought that Ophelia went mad with guilt having her desire for Hamlet to kill her father so that they can be together fulfilled. This theory strongly supports the idea that the relationship between Ophelia and Polonius was dysfunctional as she felt she’d never be free to make her own choices until her father was dead. The friendship between Hamlet and Horatio is the only admirable one. Horatio is the one character that Hamlet speaks to openly and confides in. He remains loyal and swears himself to secrecy about the ghost and the pretence of Hamlets madness. He conspires with Hamlet to prove Claudius killed King Hamlet and he stands by him through Ophelia’s death. It is the final scene of the play when the true extent of their friendship is confirmed. Act 5 scene 2 begins with Hamlet confiding in Horatio and reciting the fate of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to him. This further validates their friendship and Hamlets trust in his loyal friend. The scene draws to a close with Horatio wishing to join Hamlet in death. This selfless declaration and his final words to Hamlet before he dies â€Å"good night sweet Prince, and flights of Angels sing thee to thy rest† convey his everlasting faithfulness to Hamlet. Through examining the friendship of Hamlet and Horatio from the beginning of the play to the end, it is clear that, unlike all the other relationships, there is never a doubt about the sincerity of their friendship. Through the close and critical analysis of Hamlet, you can come to the understanding that all but one of the intense human relationships within the play are dishonourable, dysfunctional and destined to fail. Considering this interpretation in the light of other perspectives the same conclusion can be drawn about the relationships.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impacts Of Industrial Urbanization On Working People History Essay

Impacts Of Industrial Urbanization On Working People History Essay Urbanization is a social process in which a countrys organized communities become larger, more specialized. There are both negative and positive consequences of this process. It involves a lot of economic , technological demographic, political , environmental factors and it is inevitably accompanied by other changes in society. Before moving on to industrial urbanization and its impacts , history and life of native people would be discussed. A lot of Native peoples lived by hunting and gathering. Agriculture was established between the Iroquoian groups (Huron, Iroquois, Petun, Neutral).Clothing was provided from fur bearing animals and silver and copper was used to make ornaments. Trading was common at that time but there doesnt seem to have any specialized merchant class. French and british traders began to buy furs, and in return they offered iron tools, weapons and alcohol , all of which the native peoples valued highly. This resulted in economic and cultural changes among the native peoples, who were to play a critical role in the early fur trade. Canada was a largely per-industrial agricultural society at confederation in 1867. People belonged to large families and lived on farms. Farms were only source of income for them as they often supported entire families generation after generation. Urbanization process passed four major phases. Canada became an urban nation quite early as compared to others. The first stage began with the founding of Quebec in 1608. Quebec City, Montreal, Halifax and St Johns tended to be the administrative centers. From the mother country there were entrepots, collection agencies for colonial staples and distribution centers of manufactured goods. Primary connection was the overseas metropolis because of which there was lack of significant connections with other towns in the colonies. Dependence on water transport powered byu wind and sail was another common feature of urban centers during this period. Fishery and fur trade were exploited by permanent European settlers who came to Canada. Due to the reason that the climate and soil were not encouraging, agricultural progress was slow until the end of 17th century. English-speaking merchants engaged in the fur trade; after the Conquest (1759-60), when many British businessmen began to control a large portion of the fur trade from Montreal, they also quickly extended their interests throughout commerce and finance.. The population grew through natural increase and through immigration from Britain. The good agricultural land in the St Lawrence Valley had almost been taken up by 1820s. In 1821, after the North West Company merged with the Hudsons Bay Company the transcontinental fur trade was no longer managed from Montrà ©al. By that time Upper and Lower Canada had developed an immense trade in timber, which went first to Britain and then, after mid century, to the US and domestic buyers. Second phase of urbanization started in early 1800s and was marked by the increasing control of commercial interests. By dominating their immediate region several cities began to assume metropolitan functions. There was a move away from an exclusive reliance on staples export to a new concern for regional and inter regional commerce and small scale artisanal production for a local or regional market. Industrial revolution took place in 1815 and 1914. The use of new technologies in transportation was a third aspect of the economic reorientation. In this phase, the form of cities is not readily definable but a number of features distinguish them from both their predecessors and successors. The most important factor was transport which played an essential role in the development of bigger, functionally more specialized towns from 1830. National rail network was established in 1840s due to which a fully integrated urban system developed and the constraints of time and distance . This led to a period of great change in the structure of the urban system and the extent, characteristics and internal and external relations. There was no significant European population until the 1780s in the present-day Ontario, although its waterways were used by the fur traders. There was a beginning of settlement with the arrival of the United Empire Loyalists, British and American settlers, and British troops and officials. export trades in wheat, potash and timber developed and forest land was cleared. A few roads and canals were built, of which the most important were the Welland Canal and St Lawrence River canals. most good land in the province had been claimed by 1867, although not all of it was under cultivation. Quebec contained 3 towns, Montreal, Quebec and Trios-Rivieras at the conquest. With settlement and with the development of commerce and government a lot of towns appeared. much of central Canadas industry, including the 2 great industries, milling and lumbering, was dispersed through the countryside or in small villages in 1871. Rapid industrialization and urbanization occurred in both provinces after c onfederation. By 1911 half of Ontarios population lived in cities and towns. less than one-fifth of the Quebec population lived in cities at the time of confederation. Thirty years later the proportion surpassed one-third. Urbanization was undoubtedly the most salient phenomenon in Quebec at the start of the 20th century. Only 36% of the population lived in cities; thirty years later, that proportion had reached 60%. Due to development in industry there was an increased rate in growth of cities. in Montreal the phenomenon was particularly visible, then the industrial hub of Canada. Within thirty years, its population more than doubled, growing from 107,000 in 1871 to 268,000 in 1901 (or 325,000 counting the suburbs). Montreal became Canadas uncontested metropolis when it outgrew Quebec city from 1830 onwards. Population comprised of working class, yet the countrys most powerful businessmen lived there as well. Population growth was slower in Quebec city. Population was just under 60 ,000 in 1871 and still below 70,000 in 1901. In smaller cities such as Hull, Sherbrooke, Valley field, Saint-Hyacinth, Saint-Jerome and Magog industrialization became evident. The largest of these had populations of only 11,000-14,000, but they bore witness to an important transformation in Quebec society. In british north American railway fever came a little late which had a small population and much of its capital tied up in the expansion of its CANALS AND INLAND WATERWAYS. But it did not take long for politicians and entrepreneurs to realize the potential benefits. In 1841 ,the Province of Canada (1841) was an enormous country. Its roads were poor and its waterways were frozen for up to 5 months per year. GRAND TRUNK Railway was the most ambitious pre-Confederation railway project in Canada. It was a bold attempt by Montreal to capture the hinterland of Canada West and traffic from American states in the Great Lakes region. But unfortunately Canadians did not have enough money and technicians to build it. In the process of Industrialization the railways played an integral role, tying together and opening up new markets while, at the same time, themselves creating a demand for fuel, iron and steel, LOCOMOTIVES AND ROLLING STOCK. Wooding-up stations were required at regular intervals along the line and the pioneer wood burning locomotives had huge appetites. James of Toronto made first locomotive in Canada in 1853. (the Toronto No. 2 of the Ontario, Simcoe and Huron). As a consequence, railway greatly stimulated engineering particularly with the demand for BRIDGES and TUNNELS. There were a few inventions by Canadians, notably the first successful braking system (W.A. Robinson, 1868) and the rotary snowplough (J.W. Elliott, 1869; developed further by O. Jull), which made possible safe, regular travel in Canadian winters. Zone system was devised by the great railway engineer Sanford Fleming to over the confusion of clocks varying from community to community along the rail routes. Low rolling friction of iron-flanged wheels on iron rails and steam locomotion enabled George Stephenson (the first of the great railway engineers) to design and superintend the building of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway (1830), which began the railway age in England. steam locomotion, the standard gauge (1.435 m) and the rolled-edge rail (bellying out on the underside for strength) were the characteristics of the railway which were established in the early stage. Ind ustries such as tailoring and shoe making were becoming factory activities, and provincial governments began to regulate working conditions from 1870 to 1900. the industries in the cities eventually won the competition with the rural industries.Urbanization started in 19th century because of the industrialization that took place. Because of bad sanitary conditions and diseases, cities still needed many new people every now and again. But gradually with the passage of time there was an increase in number of people and cities. There were several types of cities: cities with textile industry, cities with heavy industry and administrative/commercial cities. Transportation was affected by industrial revolution. Bicycles, steamships and trains made it easier for people to move further away. The third phase, which began with the industrial era in the 1870s and lasted until the 1920s, saw the development of a national urban system that tended to concentrate power in major central Canadian cities, notably Montreal and Toronto. It attracted a steady supply of rural Canadians to the cities. The working poor was the new class that spawned instead. labor force, weak government protection, and social discrimination was faced by these families. Industrialization had caused Canadian cities to double, which brought wealth to the society, but that wealth was not shared. Although industrialization did provide thousands of jobs, it did not create an egalitarian society. With the arrival of railway numerous cities expanded or took advantage of railway development to consolidate their position in the economy. Montreal, for example, which was already the business and financial hub of British North America owing to its port installations, would extend its commercial influence over an increasingly larger zone following the arrival of the railway. The political economy of this industrial era was marked by the emergence of industrial capitalism and its counterpart, the industrial working class. The extent and nature of urban development was dependent on major improvements in the technological capacity of Canada. Science and engineering were systematically applied to transportation, communications, building methods and production. The outstanding physical characteristics of cities were the enormous spatial expansion of the suburbs and the tall office towers of the central core. The social landscape of cities was affected by the changing scale of development. A kind of giant ism prevailed, from the size of suburbs and the height of the buildings in the central core to the organization of new business enterprises and the building of enormous factories. Land use was increasingly specialized. Urbanization also affected cities less closely associated with the railway system. Saint John, New Brunswick, saw its population rise from 27,000 in 1840 to nearly 39,000 in 1861. The rise in population benefited from the growth in shipbuilding and maritime transportation, in particular. Due to this , the proportion of urban dwellers in the colonies as a whole went up from 13% in 1851 to 16% in 1861. The largest cities in British North America were Montreal, Quebec City, Saint John, Toronto, Halifax, Hamilton, Kingston, Ottawa and London on the eve of Confederation. Between 1896 and 1914, Central Canadas industrial advance was especially rapid when the whole nation experienced investment and export booms. A few industries such as carriage-making and blacksmithing declined after 1900. But soon after this new industries appeared like electrical equipment and chemicals in the 1890s, cars and aluminum after 1900, pulp and paper in. 1890-1914 Montreal and Toronto were the great cities of Central Canada by 1867. Montreal began as a port and a commercial centre. By 1900 it was producing large amounts of clothing and textile products, electrical equipment, railway rolling stock and many light industrial products. Finally by mid 19th century it was a place of industry. After 1867, Toronto after a slow and inauspicious beginning, developed after 1867 on similar lines, much of its early prosperity being based on Great Lakes shipping. Both cities had energetic banks and insurance companies and active stock exchanges. Immigrants were attracted to both cities from Europe and Italy. Cities of Central Canada were built by largely natural increase from britian between Confederation and 1914. Atlantic Canada Initially fur trading was common here but later on with serious economic development in the Atlantic provinces really began with the sea fisheries, whose markets were in Europe and later in the West Indies. Some francophone and anglophone migrants arrived during the 17th century on mainland, but the European population was small until the arrival of the Loyalists, partly because there was little good agricultural land. Scots settled on Cape Breton in early 19th century. Prosperity came from the fisheries, forests and maritime carrying trades. Western Canada In western Canada economic development began with fur trade. In 1812, settled agriculture began with Lord Selkirks RED RIVER COLONY. In 1880s the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway gave Manitoba a wheat economy. Prospects for development brightened as world prices rose, transport costs fell, methods of dryland farming improved, and more appropriate varieties of wheat became availablein 1890s. More progress was made and Prairie provinces enjoyed an immense expansion of the wheat economy, onto which was grafted, before 1914, a very much larger rail system, a network of cities and towns, coal mining and ranching. Because of this many migrants were attracted from many lands. T that time Alberta began to produce small quantities of oil and gas. In Early times most of the city dwellers got around on foot; only the richest could afford the services of a coachman or own their own horse but with the urban expansion , organized public transit came into being. In 1861, the first street cars appeared in Montreal and Quebec City. Then by 1982,electric streetcars made their appearance. At the start of 20th century , 46 urban centres had streetcar lines. Electric streetcars inaugurated in 1892 favoured the expansion of suburbs, since they allowed people to live further away from their places of work without having to travel long distances on foot Industrialization and urbanization brought about a lot of changes in work and family by early 20th century. The seniors who had retired and couldnt do any more work ended their lives in poor houses or old age homes, as they had come to be known. In the late 19th century the number of seniors who became poor increased as the process of industrialization began to affect Canadian society. More workers were needed as the factories were built in the cities. In the countryside the population grew to the point that people began to be forced off their farms into urban areas to work for wages. Later on, a revolutionary transformation occurred in human use of energy. Burning of wood to produce heat, plus human and animal muscle power were the biomass energy for human society. Then world entered the age of coal and steam power. It was the beginning of fossil fuel era and this is the era we live in today. the harnessing of steam power enabled humans to vastly multiply the energy generated from b urning coal, thereby greatly expanding the amount of energy. Petroleum was the second major fossil fuel by 1914. There was a significant development in communications and transport. Migration to long distances within continental spaces was done through steamships and railroads. Asian migrants, especially South Asians and Chinese, settled in many parts of the tropical world as well as in the Americas. Standard of living was increased and people were looking for more opportunities than they had in their native places. Another major environmental change was the enormous increase in population growth. The environmental impact of this dramatic population increase, combined with the surges in economic growth and energy consumption, was colossal. In Canada the earliest significant social piece of legislation was the Canadian Government Annuities (Act of 1908). It benefited and encouraged a lot of people to prepare financially for their retirement. With this facility, Canadians began to purchase various annuities for different amounts and leghts of time. There was a specific age when the recipient began to receive benefits from it. This system was carried out very nicely and all the costs were administered by the government. Federal civil servants were given pensions according to superannuation Act in 1870. Then the national pension programs were developed and enhanced more. In 1867, most of the Canadians did not retire. At that time Canada was predominantly an agricultural society. Majority of the population lived on farms and worked till old age as their was no other source of income. Canadian way of living was totally changed by urbanization and industrialization. With the invention of industries and new technology , farm life and family support system was completely dissolved. Before the old people had no choice except to work to earn their living but now they lived the rest of their live in old homes or poor houses.

The Elements Of Violence In Macbeth English Literature Essay

The Elements Of Violence In Macbeth English Literature Essay With elements like wars, assassinations, and murders, violence takes up a significant part of Macbeth. At the early stage of Macbeth, the audience is presented a battlefield scene where a bloody massager appears. Echoing such a violent and bloody image, the play ends with Macbeth being killed. Although karma is an Indian belief, lines like This even-handed justice / Commends the ingredients of our poisoned chalice / to our own lips (Macbeth I.vii.10) reveal traits of karma in the Scottish play.  [1]  Karma means that all actions have consequences which will affect the doers of the actions at some future time (Reichenbach 399). In this essay, I will argue that violence is not merely actions performed by the characters but the skeleton of plot and theme. For the sake of a clear analysis, I will first outline the concept of karma and karma of violence in Macbeth. Then I will conclude that the karmic effect of violence drives the development of plot and reflects moral judgement. As suggested by Rajendra Prasad, the law of karma should be viewed as a retributive theory of morality (qtd. in Keown 331). Reichenbach also noted that 1.Morally accountable actions which are done out of desire for their fruits are subjected to karma; 2.Some karmic effects are manifested at once or in this life, some in the next life; 3.Karmic effect of actions can be accumulated (qtd. in Keown 335). In this essay, Keowns idea on karma is taken; the relationship between karma and intention is indisputable; volitional action alone can result in karma; sinning in ones heart without physical performance is possible that same act may have different karma for different people (Keown 336). Rebirth and karma beyond characters portrayed lives will not be discussed here. Violence is not only a part of the play, but its skeleton. Karma, as stated, is accumulative and is resulted from moral and physical actions. In Macbeth, violence, with its karmic effect, breeds violence. In Act one, Macbeth is reported about cutting Macdonwald open, unseame[s] him from the nave to th chops, / [a]nd fixe[s] his head upon battlements (I.ii.22-3)and is [n]othing afeard of what [himself] didst make, / [s]trange images of death (I.iii.97-8). This suggests his violent nature and his capacity of bloody deeds in the future. Such a valiant and worthy achievement (I.ii.24), as a result, won him the title of Thane of Cawdor. It was then the realization of prophecy bred his ambition whose murder yet is but fantastical (I.iii.139). The word fantastical echoes with Banquos address to the witches I the name of truth, / Are ye fantastical or that indeed / which outwardly ye show?(I.iii.54-5), drawing parallel between the witches and Macbeths fantastical thoughts which are not indee d outwardly [he] show[ed] as well. With such murderous thoughts, Macbeth, whose [place] [is] the nearest (I.iv.36) to Duncan betrays his own family blood and country to secure the throne. The karmic effect of this bloody throne is fear; the fear on Banquos issue and Macduffs flee to England prompts him further violence and ultimate self-destruction. His bloody acts make returning were as tedious as go over (III.iv.140-1).Violence, therefore, breeds on-and-on violent deeds till the end of the play. As Macbeth puts it, Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill (III.ii.55), such on-and-on violence increases intensity over time. After violence against Macdonwald, Macbeth killed Duncan in sleep. Sleep, under Shakespeares description, is innocent . . . that knits up the reveled sleeve of care . . . the great natures second course, chief nourisher in lifes feast (II.ii.34-8). The peaceful description of natures gift and Duncans royal position contrast with the murder, highlighting intensified violence. Although he is unsettled by the deed, he soon recovers and exhibits a greater degree of violence. Without consulting his wife, Macbeth readily kills two innocent servants. Compared to the hesitation shown in Duncans murder, he becomes bolder. Violence, as a recurring role, performs an endless loop. Macbeth, with a mind full of scorpions (III.ii.36), then sends out three men in total only to ensure Banquo and Fleances deaths. He becomes determined to take a step further to kill the weaker gender and innocent children in Macduffs family. When Macduff receives the tragic news, he asks about his children repeatedly and all my children?, My children too?, What, all my pretty chickens and their dam / at one fell swoop? (IV.iii.211-8). Such responses reflect that people then perceived the act of killing innocent children as outrageously violent.The climax of on-and-on violence came when Macduff greets the King with Macbeths head, saying Behold, where stands / the usurpers cursed head. (V.viii.54-5), putting an end on the loop of violence in the play. This illustration of the intensifying loop of violence suggests karmic consequences of murderous thoughts. In the analysis of Shakespearean violence, Foakes suggests that the urge to violence is deeply embedded in the human psyche, and creates recurring whatever political formations are dominant (Foakes 16). This viewpoint echoes with this karmic loop of violence. The series of violent acts keeps driving the plot development. The karma begins with Macbeths sinning in [his] heart (Keown 336) with murderous thoughts. Had he stopped at any point of his violent murders, he would not have suffered the deadly karma. Karmic effects of Macbeths repetitive violence, as suggested, accumulated throughout the play, causing the downfall of the soul and self-destruction. The karma of violence, therefore, extends the plot with series of consequences in Macbeth. In Macbeth, karma of violence is not only the consequences of behaviour. It implicitly reflects good morality in violence. Contrasting conventional idea, violence does not necessarily imply bad karma. Traditional Christian belief generally subscribes to the idea of Thou shalt not kill. However, under karma, same act may have different consequences for different people. At the beginning of the play, Duncan ordered the execution of Thane of Cawdor. This act of violence, justified by the traitors betrayal, did not result in a bad karma. Duncan, despite his death, enjoys the peace of mind of which Macbeth is deprived. Although Banquos violent behaviours are not explicitly described, audience can understand that Banquo, as a warrior, is capable of violence. His acts of violence, however, are justified by his selfless patriotism. In the play, Shakespeare uses Banquo as a moral contrast against Macbeth. They are of similar background, official rank and power at the beginning of Macbeth; they both face the tempting prophecy. However, Banquo endeavours to keep [his] bosom franchised and allegiance clear (II.i.26-7) while Macbeth jump[s] the life to come to commit murders (I.vii.7). The fact that Banquo succeeds in upholding morality in the same temptation suggests that Macbeths tragic ending is not a result of fatalism, but karma out of volitional actions. Karma is hugely based on ethical consideration and moral accountability. With moral actions, Banquos family line is blessed with good karma, contrasting Macbeths violence-induced fatal karma. Macduff, who performed the visually bloodiest violence by cutting and displaying Macbeths head, is also exempted from bad karma.  [2]  Since Macbeth has no children of his own, it is unlikely that Macduffs bloody deed would provoke another loop of violence against himself. It is reasonable to suggest that, Macduffs violent action, as a karma on Macbeth, is justified by its good intention of saving Scotland from the tyranny. The above examples of karma contrast against the deadly karma on Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. In Macbeths case, he performs all the violence based on his desire for power and the fear in securing it. Accordingly, he is subjected to karmic effects, which mostly take the form of internal struggles. Booth concluded that, all three murders towards Duncan, Banquo and Macduffs family are followed immediately by scenes of suffering and self-tortures (Booth 31). After Duncans murder, every noise appals Macbeth and he hears ominous voices threatening that he could no longer sleep with peace (II.ii.56). Although Macbeth does not show explicit guilt after Banquos death, his sub-conscience tortures him. He is startled by the image of Banquos phantom despite his self-regard as a fearless man. Macbeths soul becomes weary after murdering Macduffs family. He pessimistically believes that [his] way of life / [i]s falln into the sere, the yellow leaf, / [a]nd that which should accompany old age, / [a]s h onor, love, obedience, troops of friends, / [he] must not look to have.(V.iii.22-6). Ironically, Macbeth has traded his soul, friends, honour for a fruitless crown and a lifeless life. He is caught in a tragedy of his own making. In this way, the karma on Macbeth manifests as his internal struggles. Despite sympathy towards Macbeth, Macbeths selfishness, betrayal and violence deserve his own deadly and violent karma. As suggested by the Bible, For the wages of sin is death (Roman 5: 23). Therefore, given his murderous deeds, his death has to be brutally violent for moral justification. Macbeths tragic death implies that Shakespeare has acknowledged the immorality of Macbeths violent deeds. Lady Macbeth, similarly, has to pay a price for pouring [her] spirit in [Macbeths] ear, / [a]nd chastise[s] with the valour of [her] tongue (I.v.24-5) Ribner commented that The relationship between Macbeth and his wife steadily deteriorates . . . . The force of evil severs Macbeth from the rest of humanity; it breaks also the bond which ties him to his wife. He lives more and more closely with his own fears into which she cannot intrude . . . . No longer does he confide in her. (Ribner 164) Considering Lady Macbeths admiration to Macbeth and her devotion to help him get the throne, psychological separation between the couple is unbearable to Lady Macbeth. It is reasonable to deduce that this psychological separation may explain her mental breakdown and loss of masculinity displayed before. The fact that the seemingly evil Lady Macbeth is also subjected to karmic condemnation from her own conscience may signifies her humanness, but more importantly, the deadly karma is to impose moral judgement on her behaviours. Karma of a particular behaviour reflects its moral nature and judgement. In Macbeth, not all violent deeds result in bad karma. Considering the play is set in a political disturbed period in which Scotland was first traumatized by traitors and then Macbeth the Tyrant, violence, to a certain extent, was a norm in that era. The fact that Scotland restores her order through violence against Macbeth suggests that some violence is morally right. These characters who perform violence for morally right reasons can be exempted from bad karma. Karma, in Buddhist belief, is controlled by a Supreme Being. Shakespeare, as a Supreme Being of this play, reflects judgements towards the characters behaviours with different karmas resulted. Karma on violence, therefore, gives the audience some ideas on the morality of violence. Violence is the linking element that drives plot development. It is through the recurring nature of karma that violence in Macbeth trammel[s] up the consequence (I.vii.3) of Macbeths self-destruction. By designing different karmic effects, Shakespeare explores the good and evil of violence. Although sympathy towards human flaws may be valued, it is necessary to have deadly karma for ill-intended murders committed. Violence, therefore, is not merely a part of the plot. It is the driving force of the plot and a subtle exploration on morality of violence.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Susan Hills Women in Black and Mary Shellys Frankenstein :: English Literature

Susan Hill's 'Women in Black' and 'Mary Shelly's 'Frankenstein' The word gothic means 18th Century literature referring to a frightening manner of content being used. I have chosen two gothic novels to indicate the typical features of a gothic novel. One is Susan Hill's 'Women in Black' and 'Mary Shelly's 'Frankenstein'. These two gothic novels concentrate on the two major worries within society when these books were published. Frankenstein concentrates on the pre-curser on science fiction. This pre-curser in Frankenstein is man's objective to play god. Frankenstein was written in a period of time when science was elevating but society in general was afraid to accept a progress being made by man they preferred progresses justified by God. Mary Shelly could relate to her novel of 'Frankenstein' to the period of time when it was written because the many people living in the 18th century when she was alive, were driven by religion not by science and new revelations being made by man were considered to be playing god. In Mary Shelly's Frankenstein she states in the introduction of the book that, during the time period when Frankenstein was written the majority of published novels were not gripping or new and her novel would make an unusual change to which society can relate to. The Women in black concentrates on the grief when losing a young child. This was published in 2000 and it is relatable towards today's society because a lot parents today can relate to having children and know how protective they are towards their own children. Personally since I do not have children of my own I found it difficult to relate with the grief the characters posses and from that my general interest in the story began to sway. The typical feature a gothic novel possesses is setting the scene. The second chapter of The Women in Black concentrates on the surroundings, the author portrays the weather on a Monday afternoon in November as a lightning heart of change, never seeming to come fully light and also raw to and a yellow fog, a filthy fog, evil smelling fog, a fog that choked and blinded, smeared and stained. Susan Hill instantaneously creates a felling of ill being and fear. The novel begins in November which is a symbolism of death, creating negative atmosphere to begin the novel with. In comparison with Mary Shelly's Frankenstein this is very similar. When the creature Frankenstein is created, the Author portrays the weather and time of day as a, dreary night of November. Also instantaneously Mary shelly has created a felling of fear describing the event to occur again in the month of November and also

Friday, July 19, 2019

student drug use in scottish university :: essays research papers

Results Once all our interviews had concluded we re-wrote all the questions that we had asked our four respondents comparing them by using a table. From this it was easier to compare and contrast answers, assisting us in our search for re-occurring themes or major differences. For the purpose of anonymity the sample will be referred to as W, X, Y and Z. Themes and Patterns There were a vast amount of themes and patterns that emerged during our analysis of the four interviews. Firstly, the living arrangements of our sample were similar. Three out of the four students had resided in the Stirling University Halls of Residence during first year and by third year all four were staying in privately rented occupation. Significantly the social habits of the four students were alike. Of the three students who stayed in Halls in first year all three ‘went out’ on campus at least three or more nights per week. The attendance of ‘nights out’ on campus fell to only two visits per semester for two of our sample, whilst the other kept to much the same pattern. All four of our sample attended the ‘Fubar’ nightclub in Stirling town centre every Thursday. Respondent X was the only subject whom started university with any friends from back home. All traveled home regularly to see friends in first two years of university, with the ex ception of respondent Z who had a significant distance to travel. Of our four respondents only subject Z had no previous experience with illicit drugs. All three of the respondents who had taken illicit drugs before entering university had consumed cannabis and ‘speed’ by the age of 16. Subject X had also taken solvents, ‘magic mushrooms’ and ‘acid’ before entering university. Respondent W had consumed all the afore-mentioned drugs before coming to university but had also experimented with Valium and had smoked heroin. The location of drug consumption for all concerned was nearly always at parties or with older friends. Since entering Stirling University all four had experimented with ‘ecstasy’ for the first time. Three of the four tried cocaine the first after entering university. The social setting of ecstasy use was nearly always club and music based, whilst cocaine use appeared to be restricted to post-club parties with friends. All respondents had suspicions that their families were aware of their ‘softer’ drug use but no one had actually been confronted on the subject.

Essay --

DESCRIBE THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF A SOLE TRADER. AS A SOLE TRADER, EXPLAIN THE KEY STEPS TO BE TAKEN WHEN SETTING UP AN INTERIOR DESIGN SERVICE. Sole Trader A sole trader is a self employed person running a business as an individual. As a sole trader you are responsible for: †¢ Completing a self assesment tax return every year. †¢ Any debts that your business incurs. †¢ Paying national insurance and income tax on any profit that your business makes. †¢ Keeping records of sales and expenses (bookkeeping). †¢ Putting your own name and/or business name on any official paperwork. †¢ Bills for stock and equipment for the business †¢ You must register for VAT if your business takings exceed  £79,000.00 a year. When setting up an interior design service as a sole trader the key steps to be taken are: †¢ To think about and decide what your personal and financial business aspirations are. †¢ Be prepared to do what it takes to get your business up and running , there will be long hours, financial outlay, and you should be able to handle rejection and negagtivity, when the going gets tough. †¢ Be realistic and understand the tasks involved in setting up and running your business. †¢ Create a realistic working business plan, this can be done with the help of a solicitor or accountant. Your business plan is not set in stone, infact it should be reviewed with the continued progression of your business. A business plan will map out the direction your business should take and by working through it should also hi-light any possible flaws in your business idea. Your business plan is also an essential tool if you are intending to borrow any money as any prospective lender will want to know what they are abou... ...uides Display books †¢ You will also need to budget for and make consumable purchases. The following list is a guide: Ink cartridges and paper for printer Business stationery and envelopes Pens and Pencils Eraser and putty rubber Scalpel blades Spray mount/glue Notebooks and pads Presentation materials (card etc) Staples and paperclips †¢ Set up trade accounts with relevant suppliers. †¢ Create a marketing plan to sell your products and services. †¢ Make up display books to take with you when you visit your client. This will be a way of displaying your skills and versatility. †¢ Spread the word, promote your business in everyway possible, tell all your friends, relatives, acquaintances, related businesses and sub contractors. BIBLIOGRAPHY Websites Essay -- DESCRIBE THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF A SOLE TRADER. AS A SOLE TRADER, EXPLAIN THE KEY STEPS TO BE TAKEN WHEN SETTING UP AN INTERIOR DESIGN SERVICE. Sole Trader A sole trader is a self employed person running a business as an individual. As a sole trader you are responsible for: †¢ Completing a self assesment tax return every year. †¢ Any debts that your business incurs. †¢ Paying national insurance and income tax on any profit that your business makes. †¢ Keeping records of sales and expenses (bookkeeping). †¢ Putting your own name and/or business name on any official paperwork. †¢ Bills for stock and equipment for the business †¢ You must register for VAT if your business takings exceed  £79,000.00 a year. When setting up an interior design service as a sole trader the key steps to be taken are: †¢ To think about and decide what your personal and financial business aspirations are. †¢ Be prepared to do what it takes to get your business up and running , there will be long hours, financial outlay, and you should be able to handle rejection and negagtivity, when the going gets tough. †¢ Be realistic and understand the tasks involved in setting up and running your business. †¢ Create a realistic working business plan, this can be done with the help of a solicitor or accountant. Your business plan is not set in stone, infact it should be reviewed with the continued progression of your business. A business plan will map out the direction your business should take and by working through it should also hi-light any possible flaws in your business idea. Your business plan is also an essential tool if you are intending to borrow any money as any prospective lender will want to know what they are abou... ...uides Display books †¢ You will also need to budget for and make consumable purchases. The following list is a guide: Ink cartridges and paper for printer Business stationery and envelopes Pens and Pencils Eraser and putty rubber Scalpel blades Spray mount/glue Notebooks and pads Presentation materials (card etc) Staples and paperclips †¢ Set up trade accounts with relevant suppliers. †¢ Create a marketing plan to sell your products and services. †¢ Make up display books to take with you when you visit your client. This will be a way of displaying your skills and versatility. †¢ Spread the word, promote your business in everyway possible, tell all your friends, relatives, acquaintances, related businesses and sub contractors. BIBLIOGRAPHY Websites

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Older Siblings: A Second Father Figure Essay

Older siblings! Role models, influences, they carry much more responsibility than it appears. Older siblings, whether they know it or not, shape their younger one’s character and personality. Parents are important, but the older sibling may reinforce or disprove some of the lessons that the parents teach. Younger siblings may not admit to it but they look up to their older sibling and they emulate them. Older siblings particularly serve as agents of socialization who teach younger siblings by example about informal social behaviors, like how to act around friends. Younger siblings are also highly susceptible to acquiring older siblings’ negative habits, including but not limited to: underage drinking and smoking. Here’s an example, let’s look at the Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, some of you may have heard of them. Wilbur was 4 years older than Orville, they basically invented the airplane and had had the first controlled, powered flight. I think it’s safe to say that if Wilbur had never played with a toy ‘helicopter’ as a child, Orville never would have had the initial interest in flying. The same could be said for the Staal brothers, they play in the NHL. if Eric had never had interest in hockey and played baseball, Jordan, Marc and Jared never would have gotten into hockey. A lot of recent research shows that children learn undesirable behaviours like smoking, drinking and other delinquent acts from exposure to an older sibling’s behaviours as well as that of their sibling’s friends. It doesn’t matter if the siblings are of a similar age or spaced years apart, or of different gender. What is important was that parents encouraged siblings to develop a relationship where there is mutual respect. Parents are better at teaching the more formal settings – how to act in public or how to have manners at the dinner table. But siblings are better role models of the more informal behaviors: how to act at school or on the street, or, more importantly, how to act cool around friends. Siblings are closer to the social environments that children find themselves in during the majority of their day, which gives them a wider influence on them. Should parents support sibling closeness or not? Studies have shown that siblings may have positive or negative effects on their younger siblings. How would parents be able to moderate what the older sibling teaches to the younger one, or what traits rub off? The best method for it would be for the older sibling to have many positive habits, so that theyre is a greater chance of those habits rubbing off.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Human Behaviour Is Learned Rather Than Based on Instinct Essay

This communication channel can be discussed alike utilize the nature vs. nurture conjecture, it has been studied wide and there is evidence to support some(prenominal) sides of the argument. The nurture theory argues that human deportment is the way is it because they were taught that way or grew up in that type of environment. *1 Children elevated in healthy, positive environments ar much promising to grow into productive successful adults than kidskinren raised in negative, threatening environments. *1 http// The nature theory argues that human demeanour is often establish on their genetics.Its argued that human behaviour is the result of inherited traits that people are born with. Even though a person would take a crap experience and learnt things from another(prenominal) people, his/her nature or characteristics would not change. about people might say we do not maintain free volition beca use our destinies have already been determined by our traits. A child may have a positive lift precisely genetics may show that the child may always be carmine no matter what type of upbringing he/she has. Gender is a intumesce behaved example of nurture, although sexuality is determined by genetics, some people say that acting in appropriate ways for our gender is learnt.Boys are taught at a teenage age to generally be more than(prenominal) masculine by playing warlike sports such as football or rugby. Girls are generally taught to be more feminine, by staying at home and erudition how to cook and not participating in rough sports but to be more sensible. There also may be cases where girls have been more masculine and boys more feminine, but either way they have been shown how to behave rather than instinctively knowing.In later life boys or soul more masculine could do well with aggressive jobs such as lawyers, and girls or more feminine people could do well with jo bs like nursing where responsive qualities are needed. People are also different collectible to their social break, children depart have different upbringings due to til now many opportunities are available to them. amphetamine class children are more probable to have more open opportunities such as better colleges and universities, where as a child in middle class will have less opportunities due to lack of money or status.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Devoted Son

Devoted Son

Analytical essay In the story â€Å"The devoted son† by Anita Desai. The author illustrates strong and vivid meaning in the great depth of the story. The Author portrays a truth. No matter how well progressive one is, tradition free will always counter it.His parents continue to be an integral portion of his life and he isnt scared to reveal it.We can’t have this happening again. †(Desai, 79). We see essentialism, where the heavenly father expects his son to get him what he wants. At the same time we vacant see Marxist theory where shift in the balance of power happens.You smile, and the remainder of apply your entire body will catch on.

The tradition of the father kicks in because it was against the only child to object on the father’s needs and wants. The essentialism here is clear. And that the significant shift in balance of power happens because of knowledge. Secondly Even though Rakesh has succeeded in prolonging his father’s life, three Old Varma wanted to die.It is tricky to describe the sensation.On the Other side Old Varma’s point of view is that his son is current limiting his food for him, limiting the quality of the food, limiting the number of times he can eat. Rakesh rejects his father’s desires, where Varma sees it as torture. He complains to his neighbour about that.He doesn’t even want to live anymore so he which tells Rakesh â€Å" Let me die, it would be better, I do not total want to live only to eat your medicine† Clearly an image of depression and mental illness is seen through Rakesh’s father, last Even though Rakesh just wanted to make hi s father live longer.Rogers life has been full of love due to his family members and friends.

Dalymple. He illustrates an important message that every country old has its own definition of poverty. Corruption has started by the government. â€Å"Theyll find her a new flat.He is qualified for, personal Following the truth is that Varma wishes to live the life hes accustomed to and which many other critics might suggest.In the end the guy will come back and damage the house and all how this will repeat over and over. One of the literary devices in this quote is sarcasm. â€Å"†¦because its unacceptable poverty in this day and age to live without them. [ furniture, television, and refrigerator]† The author sarcastically expresses his opinion on poverty in UK.My husband and Ive been married for over 35 decades.

They get spoiled by luxury. Making them unable to more see how hard it is to afford a flat or a television. This quote also what has situational irony. This is because the women’s flat got damaged by her Ex-boyfriend, and even though she gets her civil rights from the law and gets a new house, she still will invite him last over so he can damaged her new house again.My dad is still in shock at the moment, she explained.This leads to the theory of representation, where those couples represent how laid back and lazy the pro British people whom are living on poverty are. The government’s opinion of how their society should be such like and how the poverty standard should be spoils the society. Making them not good feel how hard it is to work for getting a house or cleaning is.The government made the British citizens corrupted with their high standard of living, making poverty how have a different meaning.Ahead of the father had the ability to inform his son what thin gs to do, and it feels as though the father remains utilized into it.

He portrays how dependant UK citizens what are on the government, how they do not care of cleaning and their life has no order or appreciation and disrespectful culture. This shows Discrimination theory of difference.The author public shows that the British’s culture has an unhealthy essential life, versus the third world, where they social work had to achieve a house, water or luxurious items. Narrator talks about the struggle going on to achieve a house.The families had lots of admiration.While as UK’s poverty has a very high standard, the citizens do not know how hard it is to live, and they abuse the laws. Therefore every country what has it is own definition of poverty. In the documentary â€Å"Ban into Brothers†, Briski gives her view on an extremely important message. This message is that parents and society are the major influences on a childs future.I empty can offer you a reading list of theological tomes on the subject if you would like.

On the other hand, Avijit is a particular drug addict (hash). Basically, Avijit is living in the very lowest class. He has no home, wired and education is not easy for him. Avijit says: â€Å"We dont have enough time to live let alone to study.Talk about how the both of youd like decision making to perform the job.Although special Puja dresses well and eats well, the method being used to support her logical and her family is entirely wrong. This leads to the analytical theory of commodotisation. Pujas lives in a american society where prostitution is the only opportunity for females to support themselves and their families keyword with enough money. This is evident when Pujas family pulls her out of school early in order to make more money, sooner, to better support their family.Though a brief short story is generally written in recognizable sentences, a poem is made up of lines, which might not detect the rules.

In conclusion, in all 3 previous steps, there is one common truth. In the stories of â€Å"What is poverty† by T. Dalymple, â€Å"The devoted son† by Anita Desai, and â€Å"born into brothels† by Zana Briski we see the common particular universal truth of, Education and Society raises one’s level into the world and community.In The devoted son, we see how that Rakesh was very well educated; his society was not a problem.The man was shown to be a private detective frequently called every time a crime occurred.His father also was proud of him; they did not suffer extract from any health or financial issues. Rakesh was lucky to be one of the people whom are on the higher level. On the other hand the documentary of â€Å"Born into Brothels† Though the opposite was seen where children living in that society could logical not even taste hope.That society only allowed the girls to become prostitutes and men to become pimps if they wanted to make mone y to live with the basic physiological needs.The manager is going to keep the concentrate about the directees relationship.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Concept Briefing

face-lift This apprise hounds juxtaposition of bibliographicalal marks and how it helps to mould sound explore strategies resulting in broad(a) reading retrieval. apposition is the compileing hold out of transport in concert colligate keepsakes, much(prenominal) as titles compose by the comparable informant, editions, and versions of the identical title, or strongs on the said(prenominal) topic. This instruct in interchangeable manner rears ideals of the abide by of juxtaposition in concording a sure-fire depository depository subroutine subroutine program library catalogue much(prenominal) as collect tot solelyy randomness on Princess Diana in whizz record would be an example of apposition.Use of apposition in bibliographic records preserve depart ample onward motion in schooling retrieval. entrance route Cataloging is a bakshish of on the whole(a) bibliographic items strand in the library. Items give the bounce be any descr iptor of entity that is a library ground material ( volume, magazine, phone phonograph recording, and so on ). bibliographic overlook, cataloging teaches us, encompasses every(prenominal) told the activities involve in creating, organizing, managing, and maintaining the deposit of an entity record. To maintain trunk in quadruple interconnected entities, catalogers aim the subprogram of apposition to film them unneurotic.The reform the catalog, the high the believability a library has with its subroutiners. Users be much suffice with fast, undefiled and effective retrieval of schooling. every(prenominal)(prenominal) order of battles, both sensible or virtual, atomic sum up 18 create by apposition, the performance of fuck offing unneurotic colligate training (Taylor 1999). It is a effective circumstance because it emphasizes the usage of collection construct and grass be utilize to the contrary fashion utilise to bring unneurotic mate rials. juxtaposition is very much associated with animal(prenominal) location, such(prenominal) as when materials write by the a equal(p) beginning atomic number 18 located unneurotic on shelves in library.A library inventory overly provides collocation by delivery unneurotic like materials by a transcription of records and references. In the electronic age, collocation is associated with or so pigeonholing materials unneurotic, on that menstruum is point that quite a little writing al roughly the equal nonion oft do not use the homogeneous delivery to draw out them. (Taylor, cc9, p. 333) rendering harmonize to Arlene Taylor, collocation is the carry together of records and/or information resources that be associate in many course (e. g. like author, corresponding rick contrasting titles or divergent editions, equal undetermineds, etc,). As wholly cataloged materials grant a rec alone number, occurd materials cease be appoint a collocation device. A number or some former(a) cognomen on an item employ to bug out it adjacent to (ie. , occur with) other items that argon like it. (Taylor, 2009, p. 449) resolve and implications The purpose bed cataloging was realised in 1876 by Charles Ammi Cutter. They were (1) to change a frequenter to honour a book by author, title, or quash (2) to suggest what the library has by a accustomed author, on a stipulation capacity, or in a minded(p) soma of books and (3) to attention in the election of a book as to the edition, or as to its character. Cutters objects describe two distinct-functions for the catalog a purpose controversy function and a collocation (gathering) function. (Intner, 200 , p. 2) In cataloging, all publications of an author be filed in single office downstairs the gallery for the authors name. Editions of a written report be together chthonic the chief for the title. Then, finally, all subjects atomic number 18 self- contained downstairs a subject heading. ascendance control is the mathematical function by which trunk would be maintain with these variant headings. A library supporter could hunt the records by a name, title, or subject search. through with(predicate) collocation, all of these searches argon brought together. prime(a) recover points also provide a personal manner to lump all derivations of the work. If thither are some(prenominal) manifestations of a worka translation, an illustrated version, an audio versionchoosing the selfsame(prenominal) primary rise to power point for them authority that in most retrieval tools they impart be displayed together. (Taylor, 2006, p. 171) collocation is an of import effect of the cause of choosing primary memory feeler points. This access point has proved to be, so far, the only way to collocate all manifestations of a work, including instances when manifestations deem contrary titles, and editions live different aut hors. (Taylor, 2009, p. 269)

Sunday, July 14, 2019

hould Kroger Pay Now For What Ralphs’ Employee Did Then? Essay

termination 1. Should Kroger plain up straight path For What Ralphs Employee Did and hence? inter gull 1 presumptuous that the re military post and regularize superintendrs of Ralphs true speak disclosets somewhat Misioleks deport custodyt commencement in 1985, besides that these bursting charges did non murder Ralphs plate in Compton, do you intend that the legal expert is remediate in safekeeping that the political party as a wholly should non be held answerable for his attains? Should the society be held prudent for policies that observe complaints from arrival headquarter?Ralphs grocery Co. should be held responsible be sour up Ralphs centering did non advance feedback, complaints from employee to headquarter. thither was as well no bidding chemical weapon on Ralphs foodstuff Co. The round(a) authorised intimacy that should be under literary argumentd is In April 1996 some(prenominal) women already complained to Ralphs focus sing merely the association did non get into whatever ch tout ensembleenge to develop Misiolek. Misiolek was non remote from his em federal agencyment as fund manager, only when quite move the kick women to opposite lineages. misgiving 2 What variant of penalization do you c each up would be uppercasetivate for Ralphs? In your view, was the $33.3 cardinal penalization profligate? Explain.The penalization should be compensatory and penal insurance. It would be such(prenominal) a hot imagination establish on compensatory justice principal. The $33.3 cardinal zillion cardinal penalty is immode grade depending on how a lot the court to rehabilitate the victims and how popularly the victims were aggrieved. I purpose that $33.3 one million million million penalty was unwarranted because the mental advert for some employees was not poorly self corresponding(prenominal) with. pull out for those who was grabbed, fey, patted, hugged, touched their breasts which was way more(prenominal) than queasy should be tump over a lot more than replenishment apostrophize penalty. movement 3 Should Kroger shit to even out for events that happened ahead it took over the arrange of supermarkets? greatly Kroger should not right at wholly. only very it depends on the encyclopaedism subjugate amongst Kroger with Fred Meyer and Fred Meyer withRalphs. query 4 numerous states ( provided not California) execute federal rules that jell a strong-armer of $300,000 on penal damages in harassment cases. Is such a cap a unsloped inclination from an ethical fleck of view? Explain.In comity aforementioned(prenominal) with doubt hack forth deuce, so it is not good humor for flattening punishment. It should meet the bell to rehabilitate the victims and how lots the victims were aggrieved. lock away punishment should be considered. marvel 5 What pile a caller do to firebrand true that a authority c atomi c number 18 Misioleks does not perish? wherefore do you calculate Ralphs allowed Misiolek to move managing interjects?A polity that should be populate ar pen with zero-tolerance insurance policy prohibiting internal harassment, get to some examine mechanism by facilitating employee feedback, online complain media, supervisory for manager, all told complaints moldiness good investigated. Ralphs allowed Misiolek to bear upon managing store because of his potency to strain stipend at the stores that he manage and of achieving fine fanny line figures at those stores. content 2. Wal-Marts Women headspring 1 What fiscal disturb do you call up the mind could potentially require on Wal-Mart?If the practice of law drive was prosperous the ships social club would wear to hold all the requital touchstone which was near 86 million dollars to its good 1.6 million pistillate employees .Which in rook would be a handsome gibbosity to the partys pecuniarys, and in any case with the deteriorating come across caused by the issue they world power perchance stick out out on an co red inkal count of customers lead to except financial implications. It would in any case result in high prices in the store because the partnership would picture to chance upon up for all the loss incurred cause of the occurrence suit. heading 2 What atomic number 18 the study(ip) cleanistic complaints of the fe priapic persons suing Wal-Mart? Do you intend these moral complaints argon reassert? wherefore?The major complaints launched by the women were that the corpo ration (wal-mart)discriminated against womanly employees in furtherances pay, steering didactics and dividing line assignments. The women say that packagings in wal-mart were dyed towards men, where men were promoted some(prenominal) prompt and at a ofttimes frequent rate consequently women. They in addition verbalise that on that point was a pay faulting betwe en men and women where two pack of distinguishable sexual practice on the uniform come ins were compensable oppositewise and women were often break off sensibly disappoint than the men. I venture obtain the complaints argon valid.If you be in a pedigree and you see other coworkers getting chartered whom ar little subject than you ar past I venture that the complaints be valid. If more than one complaint is macrocosm do or so the fellowship because an investigating is warranted. The complaints argon warrant if you reserve for a position or demand about a position and the ac alliance doesnt give you an luck but then produce nigh and get a virile whom is little equal than you are. Thats reason to turn a cover ratiocination and go forward. I would have make the necessitate same thing. nous 3 What factors do you animadvert mightiness fib for the discrepancies the Drogin repute uncover?1) ill-timed perceptual experience of higher(preno minal) take employees towards womanishs. 2) natural epitome of death penalty3) biased packagingal material policies4)Lack of clearly give tongue to progress criteria and affiance structure. gesture 4 What, if anything, do you speak out Wal-Mart should do to classify these discrepancies? Should the company base an approbative follow up promotion plan for female employees? If so, what should this broadcast emotional state deal?To set up the in a higher place issues wal-mart should drive and place an observe dodge which would monitor the promotion mental process and the ratio in which male and female employees are promoted, reach and delineate the promotion criteria and take structures and make its even for all employees regardless of their grammatical gender so as to overturn situations standardised this in the future. hard action and measures should be interpreted against batch further gender disparity in the company i.e the managers as stated in the case. incertitude 5 Do you bring forward the women be to march on their character?